About Us

About British Ufology

What is British Ufology?

Originally formed in the 1980s as a school UFO club, British Ufology was formalised as an active UFO investigations organisation in 2015, by Chris Munns (a former UK National Director for US-based organisation, MUFON).

Today, British Ufology is a respected research organisation, studying UFO sightings/encounters across Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) from a scientific perspective. We operate a small team of UK-based researchers and investigators, who remain open-minded at all times, and who have no specific beliefs or preconceptions about what UFOs might be.

Our Goals

1. To log, analyse and scientifically investigate UFO sightings over and around Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales).

2. To educate the general public about what’s visible/flying in our skies, from the mundane to the extraordinary.

3. To maintain a small reference library of key UFO publications from around the world.

4. To provide the opportunity for like-minded individuals to meet and discuss the topic of ufology.

5. To maintain and moderate an online discussion forum dedicated to the topic of ufology relevant to Great Britain.

Our Organisation

The British Ufology committee consists of a core team of 5 individuals.* Additionally, we have a number of 'Field Investigators' covering all parts of England, Scotland and Wales.

(*From time-to-time, the committee may choose to co-opt up to two additional committee members, dependent upon current organisational needs.)

Current Committee Vacancies

We are currently have the following committee vacancies that need filling:

If you have relevant experience in any of these areas and would like to get involved, please get in touch via email.

(Please note, all positions within British Ufology are voluntary and unpaid.)

Join Us

Although we don't currently offer a formal membership scheme, you can become a 'friend' of British Ufology for free by joining our active discussion group on Facebook.

If you are interested in becoming a 'Field Investigator' with British Ufology, or if you feel you are particularly suited to one of the vacant committee posts, please get in touch with us via email outlining your relevant experience to date. We would be glad to hear from you!

This 'UFO' sighting, investigated by British Ufology, turned out to be nothing more than a kite with LED lights attached! (Photos: British Ufology)